Next: 4.4 Nonlinear Calculation
Up: 4. Basic Primitives
Previous: 4.2 Help
We give here a short list of useful functions and keywords that can be used
as entry points in the Scilab manual. All the functions available
can be obtained by entering help. For each manual entry the
SEE ALSO line refers to related functions.
- Elementary functions: sum, prod, sqrt, diag, cos, max, round, sign, fft
- Sorting: sort, gsort, find
- Specific Matrices: zeros, eye, ones, matrix, empty
- Linear Algebra: det, inv, qr, svd, bdiag, spec, schur
- Polynomials: poly, roots, coeff, horner, clean, freq
- Buttons, dialog:
x_choose, x_dialog, x_mdialog, getvalue, addmenu
- Linear systems: syslin
- Random numbers: rand
- Programming: function, deff, argn, for, if, end, while, select,
warning, error, break, return
- Comparison symbols: ==, >=, >, =,
(and),| (or)
- Execution of a file: exec
- Debugging: pause, return, abort
- Spline functions, interpolation: splin, interp, interpln
- Character strings: string, part, evstr, execstr
- Graphics: plot, xset, driver, plot2d, xgrid, locate, plot3d, Graphics
- Ode solvers: ode, dassl, dassrt, odedc
- Optimization: optim, quapro, linpro, lmitool
- Interconnected dynamic systems: scicos
- Adding a C or Fortran routine: link, fort, addinter, intersci
Next: 4.4 Nonlinear Calculation
Up: 4. Basic Primitives
Previous: 4.2 Help
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