: adds a grid on a 2D graphic; the
calling parameter is the number of the color.
: adds title above the plot and axis
names on a 2D graphic
: graphic title page in the middle of
the plot
//Presentation x=-%pi:0.3:%pi; y1=sin(x);y2=cos(x);y3=x; X=[x;x;x]; Y=[y1;y2;y3]; plot2d1("gnn",X',Y',[1 2 3]',"111","caption1@caption2@caption3",... [-3,-3,3,2],[2,20,2,5]); xtitle(["General Title";"(with xtitle command)"],"x-axis title","y-axis title (with xtitle command)"); xgrid(); xclea(-2.7,1.5,1.5,1.5); titlepage("Titlepage"); xstring(0.6,.45,"(with titlepage command)"); xstring(0.05,.7,["xstring command after";"xclea command"],0,1);
: graphic frame with scaling and grid
We have seen that it is possible to control the tics on the axes, choose the size of the rectangle for the plotand add a grid. This operation can be prepared once and then used for a sequence of different plots. One of the most useful aspect is to get graduations by choosing the number of graduations and getting rounded numbers.
rect=[-%pi,-1,%pi,1]; tics=[2,10,4,10]; plotframe(rect,tics,[%t,%t],... ['Plot with grids and automatic bounds','angle','velocity']);
: a simple tool for computing pretty
axis graduations before a plot.