abort interrupt evaluation.
addinter new functions interface incremental
linking at run time
and - logical and
ans answer
apropos searches keywords in Scilab help
argn number of arguments in a function
backslash - left matrix division.
binary binary file management
bool2s convert boolean matrix to a zero
one matrix.
boolean Scilab Objects, boolean variables
and operators & | ~
brackets - left and right brackets
break keyword to interrupt loops
call Fortran or C user routines call
case keyword used in select
ceil rounding up
chdir changes Scilab current directory
clear kills variables
clearfun remove primitive.
code2str returns character string associated
with Scilab integer codes.
coeff coefficients of matrix polynomial
colon - colon operator
comma - column, instruction, argument
comments comments
comp scilab function compilation
deff on-line definition of function
degree degree of polynomial matrix
delbpt delete breakpoint
diary diary of session
disp displays variables
dispbpt display breakpoints
dot - symbol
else keyword in if-then-else
elseif keyword in if-then-else
empty - empty matrix
end end keyword
equal - affectation, comparison equal
errcatch error trapping
errclear error clearing
error error messages
evstr evaluation of expressions
exec script file execution
exists checks variable existence
exit Ends the current Scilab session
external Scilab Object, external function
or routine
extraction matrix and list entry extraction
eye identity matrix
feval multiple evaluation
file file management
find find indices of boolean vector or
matrix true elements
fix rounding towards zero
floor rounding down
for language keyword for loops
format printing format
fort Fortran or C user routines call
fprintf Emulator of C language fprintf
fscanf Converts formatted input read on
a file
funcprot switch scilab functions protection
function Scilab procedure and Scilab object
funptr coding of primitives ( wizard stuff
getcwd get Scilab current directory
getd getting function defined in a directory
.sci files
getenv get the value of an environment
getf loading function
getpid get Scilab process identificator
hat - exponentiation
help on-line help command
host shell (sh) command execution
hypermat initialize an N dimensional matrices
hypermatrices Scilab object, N dimensional
matrices in Scilab
ieee set floating point exception mode
if else - conditional execution
imag imaginary part
insertion matrix and list insertion or
int integer part
intersci scilab tool to interface C of
Fortran functions with scilab
iserror error test
keyboard keyboard commands
left - left bracket
length length of object
less - lower than comparison
lib library definition
lines rows and columns used for display
link dynamic link
list Scilab object and list function definition
load load saved variable
lsslist Scilab linear state space function
lstcat list concatenation
macro Scilab procedure and Scilab object
matrices Scilab object, matrices in Scilab
matrix reshape a vector or a matrix to
a different size matrix
max maximum
maxi maximum
min minimum
mini minimum
minus - substraction operator, sign changes
mode select a mode in exec file
mtlb_mode switch Matlab like operations
names scilab names syntax
newfun add a name in the table of functions
not - logical not
null delete an element in a list
ones matrix made of ones
or - logical or
overloading display, functions and operators
overloading capabilities
parents ) - left and right parenthesis
part extraction of strings
pause pause mode, invoke keyboard
percent - special character
plus - addition operator
poly polynomial definition
power power operation (^,.^)
predef variable protection
print prints variables in a file
printf Emulator of C language printf
printf_conversion printf, sprintf, fprintf
conversion specifications
pwd print Scilab current directory
quit decrease the pause level or exit
quote - transpose operator, string delimiter
rand random number generator
rat Floating point rational approximation
rational Scilab objects, rational in
read matrices read
read4b fortran file binary read
readb fortran file binary read
real real part
resume return or resume execution and
copy some local variables
return return or resume execution and
copy some local variables
rlist Scilab rational fraction function
round rounding
save saving variables
scanf Converts formatted input on standard
scanf_conversion scanf, sscanf, fscanf
conversion specifications
sciargs scilab command line arguments
scilab Major unix script to execute Scilab
and miscellaneous tools
scilink Unix script to relink Scilab
select select keyword
semicolumn - ending expression and row
setbpt setting breakpoints
sign sign function
signm matrix sign function
size size of objects
slash - right division and feed back
sprintf Emulator of C language sprintf
sscanf Converts formatted input given
by a string
stacksize set scilab stack size
star - multiplication operator
startup startup file
str2code return scilab integer codes
associated with a character string
string conversion to string
strings Scilab Object, character strings
symbols scilab operator names
testmatrix generate some particular matrices
then keyword in if-then-else
tilda - logical not
tlist Scilab object and typed list definition.
type variable type
ulink unlink a dynamically linked shared
unix shell (sh) command execution
unix_g shell (sh) command execution,
output redirected to a variable
unix_s shell (sh) command execution,
no output
unix_w shell (sh) command execution,
output redirected to scilab window
unix_x shell (sh) command execution,
output redirected to a window
user interfacing a fortran routine
varargin variable numbers of arguments
in an input argument list
varargout variable numbers of arguments
in an output argument list
varn symbolic variable of a polynomial
warning warning messages
what list the Scilab primitives
where get current instruction calling
whereami display current instruction
calling tree
whereis name of library containing a
while while keyword
who listing of variables
whos listing of variables in long form
writb fortran file binary write
write write in a formatted file
write4b fortran file binary write