Interprocess communication toolbox
advanced communication toolbox for parallel programming
Example just to
test the environment
pvm communications
with other applications using Parallel Virutal Machine
pvm_addhosts add
hosts to the virtual machine.
pvm_barrier blocks
the calling process until all processes
pvm_bcast broacasts
a message to all members of a group
pvm_config sends
a message
pvm_delhosts deletes
hosts from the virtual machine.
pvm_exit tells
the local pvmd that this process is leaving PVM.
Gets the system's notion of the current time.
pvm_getinst returns
the instance number in a group of a PVM process.
pvm_gettid returns
the tid of the process identified by a
pvm_gsize returns
the number of members presently in the named group.
pvm_halt stops
the PVM daemon
enrolls the calling process in a named group.
pvm_kill Terminates
a specified PVM process.
pvm_lvgroup Unenrolls
the calling process from a named group.
pvm_mytid returns
the tid of the calling process.
pvm_parent returns
the tid of the process that spawned
pvm_recv receive
a message.
pvm_send immediately
sends (or multicast) data.
Sets the system's notion of the current time.
pvm_spawn Starts
new Scilab processes.
Starts new PVM processes.
pvm_start Start
the PVM daemon
pvm_tasks returns
information about the tasks running
returns the host of the specified PVM process.
pvmd3 PVM daemon
communications with other applications using GeCi
CreateLink creates
a link between two applications
DestroyLink destroys
the link between two applications
ExecAppli executes
an application
ExecScilab executes
another local Scilab
ExeclScilab executes
another linked local Scilab
GetMsg gets a
pending message
SendMsg sends
a message
WaitMsg waits for
a message