Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Fachbereich Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Angewandte Mathematik - Numerische Analysis


Agenten-basierte Modellierung zur Markteinführung von Fahrzeugen mit alternativen Kraftstoffen

Bachelorarbeit Wirtschaftsmathematik





Agenten-basierte Modelle, Bass-Diffusion Modelle


  1. Agent-based models (Wikipedia)
  2. F.M. Bass, A new product growth model for consumer durables, Management Science 36 (1969), 1057-1079.
  3. R. Garcia, Uses of agent-based modeling in innovation/new product development research, J. Prod. Innov. Manag. 22 (2005), 380-398.
  4. R. Garcia, P. Rummel, J. Hauser, Validating agent-based marketing models using conjoint analysis, J. Business Research 60 (2007), 848-857.
  5. R. Garcia, F. Bardhi, C. Friedrich, Overcoming Consumer Resistance to Innovation, MIT Sloan Management Review 48 (2007), 82-88
  6. R. Garcia, W. Jager, Agent-based modeling of innovation diffusion, J. Prod. Innov. Manag. 28 (2011), 148-151.
  7. V. Mahajan, E. Muller, Y. Wind (eds.), New-Product Diffusion Models, Int. Series in Quantitative Marketing, Springer, 2000.
  8. W. Rand, R.T. Rust, Agent-based modeling in marketing: Guidelines for rigor, Int. J. Research Marketing 28 (2011) 181-193.
  9. C. van den Bulte, Y.V. Joshi, New product diffusion with influentials and imitators, Marketing Science 26 (2007), 400-421.
  10. T. Zhang, S. Gensler, R. Garcia, A Study of the Diffusion of Alternative Fuel Vehicles: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach, J. Prod. Innov. Manag. 28 (2011), 152-168.


  1. Ascape
  2. Flame
  3. Mason
  4. NetLogo
  5. Repast
  6. SeSAm
  7. Swarm

University of Wuppertal
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Mathematics
Applied Mathematics & Numerical Analysis Group

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