A Neural Network Approach for forecoasting Price Load Curves in Electricity Markets
Masterarbeit Wirtschaftsmathematik
This thesis concentrates on the spot market for electrical power.
This is a physical market where the supply of electrical power is traded.
The prices used in this thesis have been obtained from the European
Power Exchange (EPEX) SPOT and older prices from the European Energy Exchange
(EEX) respectively. The EPEX SPOT created in 2008 from the
EEX (Leipzig) and Powernext (Paris) covers the German, French, Austrian and
Swiss market. At the EPEX SPOT it is possible to trade day-ahead or intra day. In this
thesis we concentrate on the prices for day-ahead auctions in Germany. At day-ahead
auctions the power for each single hour and for blocks of hours can be bought. The
supply and demand for this determines the prices for the next day.
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